lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013


Have you ever had that pleasant feeling of working hard in a project, put enthusiasm and desire? Enjoy both with it that when you have to expose it you do not even have to study?Something similar happened to me with the activity of the storytelling. I love telling stories. When I look after some children, which is usually quite often, the best part of the work is usually when I tell the story before bedtime. Unfortunately not all parents have the time, and often not the imagination to tell a story to children at bedtime. But fortunately for those children I look after, I enjoy inventing new stories , funny stories and stories that does not go very far from the reality of the children I am looking after.

A couple of years ago, while I was telling one of those stories, I came up with a number of special characters. So special, that today, children still ask me to tell some of those stories. They are not difficult to invent, they always follow the same pattern. More or less as in the story we created for class a few days ago. I will not reveal my stories because I have some other idea in them, but I can assure you that maybe one day you will be in a bookstore, and you will see a book written by me. It's my dream and I hope it happen someday.

Continuing the theme of the story we wrote, I must say that I enjoyed as a dwarf. I had fun and laughed a lot. I was very sorry to miss the stories of all my classmates ... But I'll stick with the good taste that made ​​me see all of us repeating our story.

What do you think of the stories? Do you seem necessary for children or do you think we could live without storytelling?  Would you tend to tell stories?  Do you think you will use the stories when you´ll be in your class?

If you like and enjoy tales like me, there is a place in front of the Retiro Park, in Menéndez Pelayo Street “La bolsa magica”( A magic place, where you can go with kids and enjoy learning thought storytelling. I had the opportunity to go once and it is incredible. Children enjoy them a lot. 

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  2. My dear Sara,

    Thank you so much for the information about the place in Retiro. I’ve been looking at the web and it looks fantastic! There is a topic “Fun English” in which children will learn English through games, movement and music. There are many activities such as Craft English, Stories in a Box, Act English and Write &Read. All those activities will work the creative abilities, the improvement of talking in front of people and the loss of the scene-scary. IT SOUNDS INCREDIBLE!

    Related to our storytelling, I completely agree with you. I enjoy it so much and I feel working with stories is a marvelous tool to use in class. I feel that telling stories is necessary for the full development of the student. It will help them to increase their imagination while working the capacity of remembering and connecting ideas. We can create stories with which students could learn some vocabulary or structures!

    Congrats on your blog Sara!
